PHP Basic Course
In this course you will be learn client server communication. The client request a process, which server execute and return back the result to the client. It is a process, which is used in all Web services.
PHP is a general scripting language, used to design and execute a web page with the help of HTML & Javascript. We provide live project training from Industry experts. Our PHP Course is designed to meet the current demand of PHP in market. The practical examples will guide a lot to understand PHP,MYSQL combinaton to design a Web page easily. Many candidates learned it with a confidence level. Now it’s your turn to grab the RIGHT PHP Course and enjoy the journey.
Unit 5: Working with MySQL
Field Types, Import & Export, MySQL Storage Engines, Connecting to the MySQL Server, Querying the Database, Retrieve information from Database, Show record from Table, Add, Edit and Delete records. —– Assignment.
Unit 6: Form Elements
Working with Text box, Password, Select Box, Check box, Radio button, Multiple List Box, Text Area, File Upload, Page Redirect, Ternary Operator, Form Validations. —– Assignment.
Unit 7: Error Management
Types of Error, Error codes, Creating a custom Error Handler. —– Assignment.
Unit 8: Email Management
Send Basic Email, Send HTML Version. Send Image in Email. —– Assignment.
Unit 9: File Operations
Opening and Closing Files, Types of FileModes, PHP Functions for FILE handling . Reading a file : like: Reading Excell sheet content and put it in Database. Dynamic create and Read file —– Assignment.
Unit 10: Image Manipulation
Overview of GD library, Creating Thumbnails, Adding Captions over Image, Adding Watermarks and Merging Images. —– Assignment.
Unit 11: CSS Management
CSS Basics, Application of CSS with HTML, Types of CSS with examples —– Assignment.
Unit 12: Javascript Management
Variables, Array Declaration, Loop, Statements, InnerHTML,Math functions, Events, Javascript validations, Using PHP with Javascript. —– Assignment.
Unit 13:AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and Xml)
What is Ajax, Advantage of Using Ajax, Implementation of Ajax in PHP. —– Assignment.
After completion of UNITS:
- Additional Problems, Project Assignment.
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